Is Your Business In Compliance with the New Poster Requirement?
The new federal law called the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (CARES Act) requires small businesses to provide paid sick and family leave to employees in certain coronavirus-related circumstances. Click here for more details about when this leave is required.
The CARES Act also requires small businesses to provide a notice to their employees explaining the new paid leave that they may be eligible for. This new poster is required to be shared with all employees starting April 1st.
If you are a FUBA member in good standing, this poster was included with the mailed copy of our April newsletter and you should have received it last week.
If your business is still open and operating, you’ll need to put this new poster up alongside your other workplace posters so your employees can see it. If your employees report to your workplace in the morning and then go to various job sites for the day, you don’t need to post the notice at each job site. As long as it’s posted where employees can see it when they are at your workplace, you’re in compliance.
But what if your employees are no longer coming to your workplace and instead are working from home? In that case, you’ll need to email the poster out to your employees or post it on your company website (if you have one).
If you have employees working from home and you need to send them the poster, you can just copy this link and paste it into an email to your employees:
And while you are not required to post this notice in other languages, it has been translated into several other languages. The link to the Spanish version is here: And you can find the poster in other languages here:
If you are a FUBA member and would like additional copies of the poster, email us at Please include the name of your business and your member number (if you know it).